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LVMOC has a new Secretary!

The Club’s 2024 Secretary, Annette Roseman, finds that she now has obligations that she did not anticipate when she accepted the nomination for her office last year.  As a result, she is currently unable to participate in Club activities or attend Officers’ and Membership meetings.

Annette has agreed to step down from the office of LVMOC Secretary, to enable the Club to fill that critical position.  Fortunately for the Club, Tony Kovatch has accepted an appointment to the office of Secretary.  This transition took effect during June 2024.

We thank Annette for being a loyal, active Club member.  She has led multiple Club drives and has often offered suggestions for Club activities.  We understand her current situation and we offer our hopes that she will again have some time to spend with the LVMOC gang!

Please join us in welcoming Tony as he steps in to fill the office of LVMOC Secretary.  Tony has been an active member since 2021 and has attended many Club drives and events.  We greatly appreciate his acceptance of this important job!

NEW MEMBERS - To become a member of the Lehigh Valley Miata Owners Club, please click HERE for information.  (2024 Membership renewals are also being accepted... still $25.00!  For details, click HERE.)

Also, you must register as a member of this forum to sign up for LVMOC events!  To become a member of the Forum, please click HERE (BEING A FORUM MEMBER DOES NOT MAKE YOU A MEMBER OF LVMOC).  

New LVMOC policy:  The Club will reward leaders of LVMOC-sanctioned drives with free Club membership for the following year.  This offer applies only to the following year, regardless of the number of drives led by an individual.

IF YOU WISH TO PROPOSE A CLUB DRIVE OR EVENT, please send your proposal to the LVMOC Event Coordinator (currently Ken Hill).  The procedure for doing this can be viewed HERE.

For Prospective (and Current) Club Drive Leaders - Please read or review the Club's guidelines for planning and leading a driving event.  These documents are accessible to Members in this forum, under "Future Drive and Event Development".    They can be accessed via this LINK .



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