
EAA Chapter 39 Fall...
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EAA Chapter 39 Fall Pancake Breakfast and Fly-In

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Flying Dutchman
LVMOC Membership/Website Admin
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 672
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The Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 839 has invited LVMOC to its final pancake breakfast and fly-in of 2024 at Pegasus Airpark, a small turf airfield near Stroudsburg.   This gathering, on Sunday, September 15, will feature classic car clubs (aren't many of our Miatas classics?), and our members are welcome to stop by, grab some pancakes and sausages, check out some custom aircraft and some classic cars.  As usual, EAA 839 is requesting an $8 donation for the breakfast, and they are again offering free plane rides for the kids.

LVMOC is not participating as a Club at this event, but, if you haven't attended any of our previous gatherings at Pegasus Airpark with EAA 839, you will find it to be an interesting activity.  Directions to Pegasus Airpark can be viewed HERE, and more information about EAA Chapter 839 is available HERE.  If you're looking for something to do on September 15, take a drive to Pegasus Airpark and see what it's about!

EVENT POSTER: 240915-Classic-Cars.jpg

Silver 2011 NC PRHT Grand Touring (actually Janice's car)
