When: Saturday, May 3, 2025
Arrive: 8:45 a.m
Driver's Meeting: 9:15 a.m.
Depart: 9:30 a.m. See NOTE below.
Where: Macungie, PA - WEIS Market parking lot
3440 Grandview Drive Macungie, PA Here
End: Eight Oaks Farm Distillery & Kitchen, PA 309, New Tripoli
Event Leaders: Dave Povenski, driver (a.k.a. the stig) & Michele Kane, navigator.
Limit of 9 cars + ours
Paid members will be given priority.
Respondents will be wait listed as necessary based on the above
NOTE: We will be leaving precisely @ 9:30. Gas, restrooms and food are available at the WEIS and at the nearby Wawa. Plan accordingly. We want to get to Buddy's at a less busy time for brunch.
Because we use the facilities at Hawk Mountain for this drive, Polar Bear and occasionally others, I would appreciate each driver donating $5 to help them out with the wonderful work they do. I will collect during the driver's meeting. Thanks in advance!
Length: 170 miles of some very entertaining roads, one of which we will run in both directions. You may want to bring a snack and beverage - and you must have a full tank of gas.
Stops: Hawk Mountain (mi 32), brunch at "Buddy's Log Cabin" (mi 62), TBD on pre-run (mi 108), and Heisler's Cloverleaf Dairy for ICE CREAM (mi 150), and finishing at Eight Oaks Farm Distillery & Kitchen (mi 170)
Needless to say, this is an all-day drive. Plan accordingly!
- the stig & Michele
- Jerry B.
- Tony B.
- Kim B.
- Rich C. + 1
- Wayner P.
- Jim J.
- Joe A
- Mike C..
Ken Hill
2002 HZ Yellow
with a few Modifications
Please Jerry B to the list. Thanks!
2013 Copper Red GT
Please add Tony B to this drive.
Please add Kim B.
Looking forward to it!
Please add Rich C +1, thank you!
Hi Wayner here, please add me to the drive
Please add Jim (redundant to the drive) Thaks.
Add Joe to the ride please.
Please count me in!
2017 RF Club, 6MT, Arctic White