When - Sunday, May 18, 2025
Arrive: 9:00 a.m. at Pegasus Airpark (Breakfast begins)
Where - Pegasus Airpark
222 Hickory Lane
Saylorsburg, PA Location (between Brodheadsville & Sciota)
EVENT POSTER: EAA_2025-05-18.jpg
NOTE that there will be no organized drive from the Lehigh Valley to the Airpark!
For the fourth consecutive year, LVMOC has had the good fortune to be invited by Chapter 839 of the Eastern Experimental Aircraft Association, on May 18, 2025, to a pancake breakfast ($8 contribution per person), an aircraft fly-in and a car show (LVMOC member cars and classic British cars, from the Keystone British Car Club) at the Pegasus Airpark, near Brodheadsville, PA. EAA Chapter 839 will have their aircraft on display and many will be taking off and landing on the airfield during the event. In addition, they will be offering free airplane rides for kids ages 8-17!
About the Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 839: It operates at Pegasus Airpark, a small turf airfield near Stroudsburg. The mission of EAA 839 is "to promote aviation by inviting the public to experience flight, and nurture their interest in aviation through workshops, aviation events and fun activities that bring the community together. We're a non-profit organization and have programs that engage kids and adults alike."
Monthly Pancake Breakfast / Car show / Aircraft events are held by EAA Chapter 839 to raise funds for their operations. As noted above, 2025 is the fourth year in which LVMOC has been invited to display our cars as a feature of the event. Here are some photos of our group at the 2021 event. (Select "Grid Layout" to display)
BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE! After we are done enjoying the airshow (probably by around 11:30 - 12:00), we will gather our group of Miatas and head for a yet-to-be determined destination for lunch and ICE CREAM!
Please join us! This will only cost $8.00 (alright, $10 if you round up for a good cause) to participate in a car show, have your child or grandchild ride in an airplane and have a fun Miata drive for ice cream!
Your registration in this Forum thread confirms your agreement with LVMOC’s standard Waiver and Release, and we will consider your post to this event thread, stating that you intend to participate, to be your “electronic” signature, indicating your agreement with said Waiver and Release (copy available on request).
We will use FRS radios for communications on the return drive.
Silver 2011 NC PRHT Grand Touring (actually Janice's car)
Lorrie and Graham would like to attend this event