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Site Specific FAQ, Issues, and Suggestions
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02/27/2025 9:25 pm
To send a PM (Private Message):
- Click on "Members" in the Forum menu bar.
- Search for the username of the member to whom you want to send the message by entering all or a portion of that member's display name into the "Find a member" block and click on the blue "Search" button.
- When the member's information appears, click on the envelope icon under the display name. The message page will then open.
- Scroll down past the blank "No discussion" area to the message field and enter your message.
- Click the blue "Send" button.
The recipient will receive an email message, sent to the email address they have entered into their profile when registering. Also, when the recipient logs into the website, a banner will note that a PM has been received.
Please note that you can also PM someone who has an existing post in the forum by clicking on that person's username, which will take you to their user information page.
Silver 2011 NC PRHT Grand Touring (actually Janice's car)