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Site Specific FAQ, Issues, and Suggestions
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04/08/2023 9:23 am
Registered users can send Private Messages to each other outside of the forum posts.
Only one requirement must be met: A sender must have previously posted at least one undeleted message into one of the forum categories.
Below are three optional procedures for sending a PM (Private Message):
Option 1:
- In any post in any forum topic, click on the username of the person who added the post to the forum thread (topic), and to whom you wish to send a PM.
- The following page will display an envelope icon on the right side. Click on that icon.
- When the message page opens, click on the pencil icon to the right of the recipient’s username and type your message where the cursor lands.
- Click the blue "Send" button.
Option 2:
- Click on "Messages" in the Forum menu bar.
- Click on the triple-bar icon at the left, beneath the “Profile” icon, then select “New Conversation”.
- Add a conversation title (topic).
- In the “Conversation Members” field, begin typing the username of the intended recipient… the field will automatically begin listing possible recipient usernames. Select the username you want.
- Type your message.
- Click the blue "Send" button.
Option 3:
- Click on "Members" in the Forum menu bar.
- Search for the username of the member to whom you want to send the message by entering all or a portion of that member's display name into the "Find a member" block and clicking on the blue "Search" button.
- When the member's information appears, click member’s avatar or username.
- The following page will display an envelope icon on the right side. Click on that icon.
- When the message page opens, click on the pencil icon to the right of the recipient’s username and type your message where the cursor lands.
- Click the blue "Send" button.
The recipient will receive an email message, sent to their registered email address. Also, when the recipient logs into the website, a banner will note that a PM has been received.
Silver 2011 NC PRHT Grand Touring (actually Janice's car)