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Polar Bear Drive - NOW 1/2/21 (SATURDAY)

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Flying Dutchman
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The car limit is increased to 30 (2 groups)

When -                Saturday, January 2, 2021

                                     Arrive:                    10:00 a.m. 

                                     Drivers' Meeting:  10:15 a.m.

                                     Depart:                   10:30 a.m. 

Where -              Weis Market Parking Lot, near the Weis Gas & Go, 1625 PA-100,                                                   Fogelsville, PA  LOCATION 


Group Leaders -  David & Janice Sell  (610-442-8054)

                            Louie & Corrina Draxler  (484-788-3810)


Join the gang for our annual top-down celebration of the new year!  This will be a clean-roads-only event, and we will not be stopping anywhere for lunch this time (you might want to bring a snack for en-route munching), due to the COVID-19 situation.  We will meet in the Weis Market parking lot, near their Gas & Go facility, off PA Route 100 in Fogelsville, PA.  The route will take us along fun roads in Berks, Schuylkill and Lehigh Counties, and we will have our traditional comfort break, and, of course, our photo-op with the Hawk, at the Hawk Mountain Sanctuary.  The drive will end at the intersection of Old Route 22 and PA-100, which is just north of I-78.

This event will follow the current Pennsylvania rules for COVID-19 safety.  We will require that all participants maintain six-foot social distancing, and we will require masks to be worn when not in our cars.  To avoid common handling of materials, we will email the directions to participants, for home printing, and we will eliminate the usual paper sign-in sheet.  Since the sign-in confirms your agreement with LVMOC’s standard Waiver and Release, we will now consider your post to this event thread, stating that you intend to participate, to be your “electronic” signature, indicating your agreement with said Waiver and Release (copy available on request).

We are limiting the number of cars on this drive to 30, and we will be leading two groups of cars, to ensure a safe, enjoyable drive with minimal waits for regrouping, and we are giving participation priority to paid LVMOC members.  We will use FRS radios for communication.  Be sure to arrive at the departure point with a full gas tank and an empty bladder!



  1. David & Janice
  2. Jordan (maybe)
  3. Jeff & Haley
  4. Wayne
  5. Iva
  6. Nobu
  7. Bill M
  8. Michele
  9. Bill A & Ethan
  10. Annette & Jim
  11. Alison
  12. Beth & Gary
  13. Wanda & Jerry
  14. Louie & Corrina
  15. Bob & Ginny
  16. Tom D
  17. Tony B
  18. Alan w/ ZOOM B
  19. Walter
  20. Arnold (& maybe Thanh)
  21. Gail & Bill
  22. Celia & Warren
  23. Risa & Mike
  24. Marianne
  25. Janice H
  26. Randy & Wendy
  27. Jim & Melissa
  28. Laura Lana (Guest)
  29. Justin and Tara
  30. Joe & Tina

Silver 2011 NC PRHT Grand Touring (actually Janice's car)

Flying Dutchman
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If you can't get there, Jordan, please give me a call on the number listed for me on the direction sheet and let me know.


Silver 2011 NC PRHT Grand Touring (actually Janice's car)

Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 262

I have to bow out of today’s drive. 

hurt my back and can’t turn my head left. 

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Posts: 5

Sorry for late notice, but Mike & I can’t meet up for today’s drive. Catch you all next time; happy New Year to all. 

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Thank You Janice, Dave, Corrina and Louie for all you did to make our 2021 Polar Bear drive a success.

You chose very nice roads, Dave, and the day turned out to be a delight. The bit of moisture we received from the melting ice off of the trees at Hawk Mountain Sanctuary allowed us to appreciate how good of a day it was.

Louie, Thanks for volunteering to be a co-lead for this drive. Your effort allowed for a potential of fifteen additional Miata enthusiasts to join our group. 

Visiting with and Driving with Miata friends is a very special way to begin 2021.

Flying Dutchman
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Despite having to change our date, due to poor weather on 1/1, and a road closure within the 1st mile, 22 Miatas gathered for a fun Polar Bear 2021 drive!  The temperature reached ~ 44 degrees, the roads were better than I expected and we actually saw a bit of sunshine 😎.

I apologize for the congestion in the Hawk Mountain Preserve parking area... in past years, we pretty much had the place to ourselves!  I think there were a lot of folks looking for a break from pandemic restrictions.  Also, our traditional photos with the Hawk statue flopped, because the Hawk was gone!!  I'll have to contact them and find out what became of it.

Thanks to Walter, for "tailing" our group, to Louie and Corrina for escorting the second group, and to Janice for checking everyone in and for navigating the route for me 😘.  Finally, welcome to new members, Wendy & Randy and Warren & Celia, who came out for their first drive with LVMOC!  We hope to see you at more of the Club's events in 2021!

Happy New Year to all!!


Silver 2011 NC PRHT Grand Touring (actually Janice's car)

Flying Dutchman
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Posted by: @triviawayne

I have to bow out of today’s drive. 

hurt my back and can’t turn my head left. 

Sorry to learn this, Wayne... I agree that driving without being able to look to your left isn't advisable!  I hope you're feeling better soon...

Silver 2011 NC PRHT Grand Touring (actually Janice's car)

Flying Dutchman
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Posted by: @ringorisa

Sorry for late notice, but Mike & I can’t meet up for today’s drive. Catch you all next time; happy New Year to all. 

Thanks for letting us know, Risa.  We'll look for you at our Spring events!

Silver 2011 NC PRHT Grand Touring (actually Janice's car)

Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 620

It was a great start to the new year! I  have been on this Run when there was a high in the teens. That felt particularly Polar! We had a great turnout with new members!

As the new President,  I love seeing the turnout of longtime members who make every event feel like a gathering of friends. I love meeting new members who share the enthusiasm for driving and owning their fantastic cars that we all have. We, as a Club, look forward to meeting new members, so we can add to our circle of friends. And I love when a non-member sees us drive by and decides to abandon what he/she was doing, to get in line with our group. A Fiat 124 joined us towards the end of our drive yesterday.  He even had his top down already! How cool is that? Our drives provide visibility to other Miatas that our Club exists, and encourages them to join us. 

So thanks Dave for all that you do for the Club, including this successful drive. Welcome new officers! I look forward to working with each of you! Welcome members to what I hope will be the best Club year EVER!!

Louie Draxler, President 

2014 Club 2.5L "Punisher Edition", 2017 RF GT

CTt3MX5, rhetlaw, CTt3MX5 and 1 people reacted
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Dave, you must be one happy camper! I can picture your sitting back in your easy chair this morning, with your cup of coffee, looking outside to our snow-covered lawns and roadways thinking, "yes, I am glad I decided to do the Polar Bear run yesterday".    Well done!

Here are a couple of photos from yesterday's gathering.   The short string of Miatas is showing Haley and Jeff in the Ceramic White, Gail and Bill in front of them, Iva, next, a father and son in their '93 NA and I am not sure who is in the front red Miata.


CTt3MX5 and CTt3MX5 reacted
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Posted by: @flying-dutchman
Posted by: @triviawayne

I have to bow out of today’s drive. 

hurt my back and can’t turn my head left. 

Sorry to learn this, Wayne... I agree that driving without being able to look to your left isn't advisable!  I hope you're feeling better soon...

getting better, thank you.  Was so bad I went for a professional massage.  Tuesday is my monthly chiropractor visit, so that should get the rest fixed up...I hope.

CTt3MX5 and CTt3MX5 reacted
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Posted by: @flying-dutchman


If you can't get there, Jordan, please give me a call on the number listed for me on the direction sheet and let me know.


Sorry about that. I didn’t see this til now. What snow had melted just got added and more with the 2” that fell overnight. The plow pushes it all to the end since I’m an end unit. Here’s why:


The ND2 under the cover. To get back down to the road, this is blocking it:


And now it’s even worse. 

Jordan F. White, M.S.
2012 Subaru Legacy 2.5 GT 6MT AWD (NB summer 2024!)

Love Mazda, Subaru & Toyota
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Posts: 505

Anyways I’m glad everyone had a good time!  

So looking forward to the spring/summer!! (And vaccines).. 🙂

Jordan F. White, M.S.
2012 Subaru Legacy 2.5 GT 6MT AWD (NB summer 2024!)

CTt3MX5, Flying Dutchman, CTt3MX5 and 1 people reacted
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Celia and I had a great time and are looking forward to more rides!!! It was actually quite warm with the heat on and windows up! (Celia uses a plug in car blanket so she was warm)

livetodrive, rhetlaw, livetodrive and 1 people reacted
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Another round of Thanks to all of those involved in putting together this run!  Haley and I had a lot of fun and she loves to look for animals during the drive.  On this particular day, we saw, horses, cows, sheep, llamas/alpacas, puppies, ducks, a goat and a donkey.  🙂  I have a feeling that in 6yrs I will be handing her the keys to my Miata and I will be the passenger!  lol

Great idea to have it on Saturday Dave!  Ol' Man Winter tried to get one over on you.  haha

Happy to hear you are feeling better Wayne!

2016 ST Ceramic Metallic GT aka Ghost

rhetlaw and rhetlaw reacted
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Posted by: @dudester7

Celia and I had a great time and are looking forward to more rides!!! It was actually quite warm with the heat on and windows up! (Celia uses a plug in car blanket so she was warm)

Happy to hear and sorry I didn't get to meet you, will hope to do so at a future run.

Yes, the cabin stays nice and comfy when you have the windows up, I am lucky enough to have seat heaters too which makes it even warmer.  I get some crazy looks during this time of year when driving with the top down but when you dress warm and keep the windows up, it isn't that uncomfortable at all.  Haley is all about it too.  I took her to dance class Monday night and she insisted that the top stay down.  😀

2016 ST Ceramic Metallic GT aka Ghost

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