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Pancake Breakfast/Airshow/Miata Car Show/Free Airplane Rides/Ice Cream Run

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Flying Dutchman
LVMOC Membership/Website Admin
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Back on the Schedule for August - Pancake Breakfast/Airshow/Miata Car Show/Free Airplane Rides/Ice Cream Run 8/14/22

When -                   Sunday, August 14, 2022

                                  Arrive:      9:00 a.m. at Pegasus Airpark (Breakfast begins)

Where -                  Pegasus Airpark

                                  222 Hickory Lane

                                  Saylorsburg, PA  Location (between Brodheadsville & Sciota)

NOTE that there will be no organized drive from the Lehigh Valley to the Airpark! 

LVMOC is fortunate to be able to reschedule this event, which was rained out in June... it is a repeat of last year's successful event!  Your Miata gets to be in a car show with other Miatas only. You get a great breakfast for $8.  There is a free airshow.  Kids ages 8-17 get to go up in plane for free!  Then, when you think that you are all funned out... we will head for ice cream on a great bunch of Miata roads.

The Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 839 has again invited LVMOC to an airshow and pancake breakfast at Pegasus Airpark, a small turf airfield near Stroudsburg. The EAA 839 mission statement is:

"Chapter 839 is passionate in enjoying aviation with others who have a similar interest and the desire to share aviation with the local community through fly-ins, picnics, workshops, Young Eagle rallies and more. We are an Active Chapter with a hangar and lots of exciting projects in the works."

To those ends, they have a pancake breakfast on Sunday, August 14, 2022 to raise funds for their operations.  We have been invited, as a Club, to display our cars in a special section, to show off our sportscars, and our Club.  In addition, they offer to take children aged 8-17, who are with their parents (to sign paperwork), for a free ride in an airplane.   Here are some photos of our group at last year's event.

BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE!  After we are done enjoying the airshow (probably by around 11:30 - 12:00), we will launch from there on a drive to Klein Farms Dairy & Creamery, north of Easton, PA, for ICE CREAM!

Please come and attend.  This will only cost $8.00 (alright, $10 if you round up for a good cause), to see an airshow, be the star of a car show, have your son or daughter up in a plane, and have a fun ride back for ice cream!

Again, the location of Pegasus Airpark is 222 Hickory Lane SAYLORSBURG (MAKE SURE YOUR GPS DOES NOT CHANGE IT TO STROUDSBURG).  For a link to the EAA Chapter 839 homepage and directions, click here .

We will use FRS radios for communications on the return drive.


  1. Janice & David
  2. Alisunshine
  3. Neil & Kelly
  4. Beth & Gary
  5. Jeff & Haley
  6. Bob & Ginny
  7. Gene H.
  8. Neil & Mason
  9. Jennie & Marcus
  10. Greg & Steph
  11. Dave P. & Michele K.
  12. Alan Alan Alan
  13. Joe & Tina
  14. Jim & Logan
  15. Bill M.
  16. Jacqueline & Jess
  17. A-town Ron L.
  18. Louie & Corrina
  19. Jordan F. & Paul
  20. James P.

Silver 2011 NC PRHT Grand Touring (actually Janice's car)

Rocket Ron
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 102

Sign me up!

Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 33

I will definitely be there 😎 

Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 620

Louie and Corrina love breakfast!

2014 Club 2.5L "Punisher Edition", 2017 RF GT

Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 33

Please change to Neil and Mason in one Miata and Jennie and Marcus in the other Miata. 

1995 Merlot Mica M Edition Miata and 1991 British Racing Green Miata

Flying Dutchman
LVMOC Membership/Website Admin
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Posted by: @neilque67

Please change to Neil and Mason in one Miata and Jennie and Marcus in the other Miata. 

But, how will we know if you decide to switch them...? 🤔 

Silver 2011 NC PRHT Grand Touring (actually Janice's car)

Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 33

@flying-dutchman LOL very true. I still mix them up here and there.

1995 Merlot Mica M Edition Miata and 1991 British Racing Green Miata

Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 9

Please add me and my guest Paul 

ND2 Ceramic RF GT-S 6MT

Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 3

Is there time for a last minute sign up?

Member Moderator
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Posts: 458
Posted by: @hostilejava

Is there time for a last minute sign up?

Sure there is! Look forward to meeting you at Miatas and Pancakes.

2016 ST Ceramic Metallic GT aka Ghost

Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 139

Looks like pancakes is the key to getting lots of members out. 😄. Nice to see everyone and enjoyed seeing the British cars and the planes. Gyro-copter is a big NOPE for me but the paraflyers looked fun

Mike & Angela
2021 Soul Red RF (with custom black top)

Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 46

Had fun today, thank David & Janice for leading the drive to Klein Diary farm!


And for legal purpose I am denying any rumor that I was on an airplane 🤓 

Flying Dutchman
LVMOC Membership/Website Admin
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Thanks to all who attended this event... great turnout.  We had about 21 LVMOC members bring their Miatas for display at Pegasus Airpark, and several non-members, who had learned about the event, added to the gathering.  One of those guests, Jon Larkin, joined LVMOC at the event... welcome to our fun Club, Jon (and what an awesome Miata you have!).

We saw some very interesting aircraft, including the gyrocopter that Mike mentioned, the lovely biplane and about five folks who flew "paramotors"... where a gasoline motor and propeller "backpack" is worn by the pilot, who is suspended from a paragliding chute (not for me 😵!) 

Finally, thanks to Rod Hatcher and David LaFaver, of EAA Chapter 839, for once again welcoming our members to one of their fun events!

Finally-finally, thanks to Alan, Jeff and Haley for your support as mid-car and tail car on the drive to Klein Farms 😌!

Silver 2011 NC PRHT Grand Touring (actually Janice's car)

CTt3MX5 reacted
Member Moderator
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 458

What a great day!  Miatae, great people, airplanes, pancakes, crazy people jumping off the ground with a motor strapped to their back, beautiful weather and ice cream!  How can it get any better?

Thanks to all who put this together with EAA and I hope this can become an annual event for the club.

Big thanks to Dave and Janice for stringing together some nice roads for us to travel back into the Lehigh Valley!

2016 ST Ceramic Metallic GT aka Ghost

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