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CANCELLED DUE TO RAIN FORECAST AT 80%! Pancake Breakfast/Airshow/Miata Car Show/Free Airplane Rides/Ice Cream Run

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Flying Dutchman
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Pancake Breakfast/Airshow/Miata Car Show/Free Airplane Rides/Ice Cream Run 6/12/22

When -                   Sunday, June 12, 2022

                                  Arrive:      9:00 a.m. at Pegasus Airpark (Breakfast begins)

Where -                  Pegasus Airpark

                                  222 Hickory Lane

                                  Saylorsburg, PA  Location (between Brodheadsville & Sciota)

NOTE that there will be no organized drive from the Lehigh Valley to the Airpark! 

This is a repeat of last year's successful event!  Your Miata gets to be in a car show with other Miatas only. You get a great breakfast for $7.  There is a free airshow.  Kids ages 8-17 get to go up in plane for free!  Then, when you think that you are all funned out... we will head for ice cream on a great bunch of Miata roads.

The Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 839 has again invited LVMOC to an airshow and pancake breakfast at Pegasus Airpark, a small turf airfield near Stroudsburg. The EAA 839 mission statement is:

"Chapter 839 is passionate in enjoying aviation with others who have a similar interest and the desire to share aviation with the local community through fly-ins, picnics, workshops, Young Eagle rallies and more. We are an Active Chapter with a hangar and lots of exciting projects in the works."

To those ends, they have a pancake breakfast on Sunday, June 12, 2022 to raise funds for their operations.  We have been invited, as a Club, to display our cars in a special section, to show off our sportscars, and our Club.  In addition, they offer to take children aged 8-17, who are with their parents (to sign paperwork), for a free ride in an airplane.   Here are some photos of our group at last year's event.

BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE!  After we are done enjoying the airshow, we will launch from there in a drive back to a yet-to-be-determined ICE CREAM destination (As of now, it will be Klein Farms Dairy & Creamery, north of Easton, PA)!

Please come and attend.  This will only cost $7.00 (alright, $10 if you round up for a good cause), to see an airshow, be the star of a car show, have your son or daughter up in a plane, and have a fun ride back for ice cream!

Again, the location of Pegasus Airpark is 222 Hickory Lane SAYLORSBURG (MAKE SURE YOUR GPS DOES NOT CHANGE IT TO STROUDSBURG).  For a link to the EAA Chapter 839 homepage and directions, click here .

We will use FRS radios for communications on the return drive.


  1. Corrina & Louie
  2. Jeff & Haley
  3. Janice & David
  4. Bob & Ginny
  5. Jim & Barbara
  6. Bryan & Lisa
  7. Alison
  8. The Stig
  9. Joe & Tina
  10. Scott & Diane C.
  11. Dawn & Tom
  12. John P.
  13. Michele
  14. JerryB & Wanda
  15. Jim and Logan
  16. Jacqueline & Jess
  17. Ron L.
  18. Annette & Jim
  19. Tony & Eileen
  20. Tim & Noel

Silver 2011 NC PRHT Grand Touring (actually Janice's car)

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Posts: 46

@rhetlaw I definitely want to come, but I'm not confirming it just yet as I might have to take my fiance to Newark for a business trip flight on that same day. Bad luck with the timing. Keeping my finger crossed that I can go.

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Posts: 620

@jacqueline you should be able to go up for free. I went up last year. I think they word it like that to give kids first dibs. Since there were no kids going up, they were asking anyone under 240 pounds if they wanted a ride. I went up in a 1949 airplane. We went between 60 and 80 mph. It felt like we were floating over town. I felt much better than in a hot air balloon, which you can't steer. 

2014 Club 2.5L "Punisher Edition", 2017 RF GT

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Posts: 33

I'll be there but probably won't be able to make it till around noon. Oldhippe

Flying Dutchman
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Posted by: @oldhippe

I'll be there but probably won't be able to make it till around noon. Oldhippe

Gene, our group will probably not stay at the event until much past noon, before we head out to our ice cream destination.  Most of us plan to arrive for the breakfast, which begins at 9:00 a.m., so we will likely leave by early afternoon.

Maybe Louie can recall how long we stayed last year.


Silver 2011 NC PRHT Grand Touring (actually Janice's car)

Flying Dutchman
LVMOC Membership/Website Admin
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Gene, I checked with Louie, and he thinks we left a bit before noon last year.

Unfortunately, if you can't arrive earlier in the morning, it might not be worth the trip for you.


Silver 2011 NC PRHT Grand Touring (actually Janice's car)

Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 33

i'm going to try to make it down there a little bit before 9 but I can only stay for about 40-45 minutes. I have something else I have to do later on in the morning. but at least I can go down for a little bit. see you there.

(@Anonymous 123)
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Posts: 115


There is no official group drive to Pegasus Airpark for the Pancake Breakfast, but... If you are in the mood for a good dose of morning twisties, check out directions for an independent drive in the attached file. The distance from Wind Gap is 14 miles and takes 30 minutes. Miles between turns are not listed. Hey, I can't do everything. LOL


Attachment removed

Flying Dutchman
LVMOC Membership/Website Admin
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Posted by: @oldhippe

i'm going to try to make it down there a little bit before 9 but I can only stay for about 40-45 minutes. I have something else I have to do later on in the morning. but at least I can go down for a little bit. see you there.

At least you'll be able to get some pancakes, Gene 😛.  And, some of the pilots should be getting airborne by around 9.

Silver 2011 NC PRHT Grand Touring (actually Janice's car)

Flying Dutchman
LVMOC Membership/Website Admin
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Thanks, Alison! 😊 

Silver 2011 NC PRHT Grand Touring (actually Janice's car)

Rocket Ron
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Posts: 102

Sign me up, thanks!

Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 46

I can make it! I am also being a friend, please put us down as Jacqueline and Jess

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Posts: 66

Annette and jim

Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 9

Please add Tony and Eileen to the list.  

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Posts: 46

It look like it is going to rain on Sunday, will this affect the event?

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Posts: 262
Posted by: @jacqueline

It look like it is going to rain on Sunday, will this affect the event?

Yes.  It will make things wet. 🤣 

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