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Fall Foliage Drives

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Fall Foliage Tour to Longacre's and Back

When -                 Saturday AND Sunday October 10,11 2020

                         Saturday   Meet: 9:00 (small parking lot, I don't want to loiter)

                            Drivers' Meeting: 9:15 a.m.

                            Depart:  9:20a.m. 

Sunday!!!  We will meet and leave an hour later than Saturday since Longacre's changed their Sunday hours to 1:00 opening

Sunday meet at 10:00 Driver Meeting 10:15 Rollout 10:20

Where -                Wawa Bethlehem

                            741 E. Broad St  (E. Broad St. & Stefko Blvd.)

                            Bethlehem, PA Location

Event Leaders -  Louie Draxler and Walter Cramer

We will be joined on the Sunday Drive by our friends from Lehigh Valley Mini. Not to be confused with PhillyMini. This is a truly Lehigh Valley M&M Drive. We hope to have a lot of Fall Fun together!!

PLEASE NOTE: UPDATE!!! THERE IS ONE COMFORT STOP 20 MILES INTO THE 70 TRIP.  After our ice cream, you can either wave goodbye, or head back into the Valley with Corrina and I. If so, we will be heading back on a 29 mile drive that ends at LCCC in Schnecksville, on Rte 309.  4 miles south on 309 is the 22/78 interchange.


We will be leaving Wawa and going over the mountain, hooking up with Vera Cruz Road and moving on some roads less traveled.  I have tried to incorporate a lot of roads that often get overlooked because we tend to use certain roads in this area for good reason. They are good roads.  But the Brit in me looks longingly at those B Roads, this time saying, "Right! Let's have a go, then!"

Please note: We will stop at at a Redners quick stop before Longacres. This will be a comfort stop. Longacres is open at 10:00 on Saturday and 1:00 on Sunday. Sunday will have us leaving an hour later than Saturday to accommodate.


This event will follow the current Pennsylvania rules for COVID-19 safety.  We will require that all participants maintain six-foot social distancing, and we will require masks to be worn when not in our cars (or stuffing our faces with ice cream).  To avoid common handling of materials, we will email the directions to participants, for home printing, and we will eliminate the usual paper sign-in sheet.  Since the sign-in confirms your agreement with LVMOC’s standard Waiver and Release, we will now consider your post to this event thread, indicating that you intend to participate, to be your “electronic” signature, indicating your agreement with said Waiver and Release (copy available on request).

This drive will be limited to 26 cars, including the leaders, with priority given to paid LVMOC membersWE HAVE TWO LEADERS, AND THEREFORE, TWO GROUPS EACH DAY.

We will use FRS radios for communications.  Be sure to arrive by 9:00 a.m. with a full gas tank and an empty bladder. Or, with enough time to fill your tank, and empty your bladder.

Attending Saturday:

X. Louie and Justin

X. Corrina and Tara 

1. Walter

2. Mike and Alison

3. Arnold

4. Jeff

5. Risa and her 124!!!!

6. Jordan

7. Jim & Melissa

8. Tom D

9. Janice and David

10. Edwin

11. Nobu Fiat 124!!!!

12. Michele

13. Dave & Carol

Attending Sunday:

1. Louie and Justin

2. Corrina and Tara

3. Walter

4. Ken and Evan

5. Gail and Bill

6. Annette

X. Tom

7. Carlos (soon to be a new member)

8. Ken, Sr. & Judy

9. Steve and Sheryl

10. Nobu

11. Celia and Warren


2014 Club 2.5L "Punisher Edition", 2017 RF GT

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Nobu, great video on the downhill. That was Reservoir Road. I was excited to introduce my group to that "roller coaster" ride. Unfortunately, we had an Alien in front of us and couldn't enjoy it as much as we should have.

Thanks, Warren, can't wait to see you and Celia on another ride. I am so happy Gail mentioned our run today to you. And kudos to you and Celia for driving an hour and a half to join us.

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You nailed it with that photo. Alison is one heck of a solid driver. If you ever have the opportunity to be in front of her, try to lose her. Good Luck with that. 😜 


livetodrive, DaveHartmann, livetodrive and 1 people reacted
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@livetodrive Hi Louie ! Really enjoyed the club. Incredible drive ! Awesome roads, nice people, good weather. Thanks you all for great time ! Wish to meet again . We are not disappear just lost at the end of the run. Is the radio help? /Just got one but no clue how to use ! 😴 /


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As requested here are pics of the Fiata at Wawa before we left. I blacked out license plates out of

courtesy for others as I know it bothers some people and others don’t care, playing it on the safe side:

This post was modified 4 years ago 2 times by StormND2Club

Jordan F. White, M.S.
2012 Subaru Legacy 2.5 GT 6MT AWD (NB summer 2024!)

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 Here are a few more. One pic is just of the beautiful fall scenery I noticed on one of the roads:

Here’s a photo of the Fiata, my club, and a GT:

Notice that besides the front end, one of the major difference between the “Fiata” and the NDs is the location of the rear license plate, the rear is entirely different! 

Also on that road, here’s me following the “Fiata” and a line of more of us ahead. I think I may have been directly in the middle at this point:



This post was modified 4 years ago by StormND2Club

Jordan F. White, M.S.
2012 Subaru Legacy 2.5 GT 6MT AWD (NB summer 2024!)

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One more. This is a photo showing the difference between two Soul Red Crystal NDs, both softops, but mine (left) is the Club and next to it is the GT. Major difference is the wheel color, but also notice the black rear splitter and black trunk spoiler from the Club Appearance packages:


I just wanted to get this picture because who knows when another SRC will be parked next to mine. 🙂

Jordan F. White, M.S.
2012 Subaru Legacy 2.5 GT 6MT AWD (NB summer 2024!)

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The radio will help a lot. I let people know how long until the next turn and hazards on the road. I saw you pull off at I-78 and figured that you were at a good point to head home.

We appreciate you joining us from Brooklyn! I love NYC!

See you at another Drive!


2014 Club 2.5L "Punisher Edition", 2017 RF GT

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These are great pictures. Thanks for getting the Fiata for us.

2014 Club 2.5L "Punisher Edition", 2017 RF GT

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Alex, can you provide your email address. May have a Sunday drive coming in the near future. I know you are working Saturday's, but possibly Sunday is a maybe for you.


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Like that wooded hillside photo, Jordan. As our group was passing that hillside, we were slowed for some reason and I pointed out the beauty of the scene to my group.


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Posted by: @rhetlaw


Like that wooded hillside photo, Jordan. As our group was passing that hillside, we were slowed for some reason and I pointed out the beauty of the scene to my group.


Yep. I liked it so much I took a photo of just it, without any cars in the photo. I think the only photo of the day without a car in it. What a great time of year it can be. And today was super warm, I had the ND out for a bit with the top down!

Jordan F. White, M.S.
2012 Subaru Legacy 2.5 GT 6MT AWD (NB summer 2024!)

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Thanks for taking the pictures Jordan. I used them to create buzz on 2 different Spider 124 pages that I belong to. That is where I found the 2 Spiders that joined us last weekend. 

2014 Club 2.5L "Punisher Edition", 2017 RF GT

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No problem. I am quite curious about a ride in a manual trans Fiata. Anyone else? I’ve read mixed reviews about the turbo, but I wonder how similar it handles to the NDs? I think the Fiatas look pretty unique especially from the front. They remind me of some other, older car but I can’t put my finger on it- 

This post was modified 4 years ago by StormND2Club

Jordan F. White, M.S.
2012 Subaru Legacy 2.5 GT 6MT AWD (NB summer 2024!)

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Haha! That older car it reminds you of.... is EVERY cool sportscar from Europe in the 1960s!

2014 Club 2.5L "Punisher Edition", 2017 RF GT

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Posts: 6


Hi Walter! Thanks a lot ! I wish to came Saturday october 24. Hope I can make it. By the way my e-mail is 

Love the club !

See you soon!


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