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Explore Longacre Ice Cream (And Nearby)

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Longacre's Ice Cream

When -                 Saturday, September 12, 2020

                            Meet: 9:00 (small parking lot, I don't want to loiter)

                            Drivers' Meeting: 9:15 a.m.

                            Depart:  9:20a.m. 

Where -                Wawa Bethlehem

                            741 E. Broad St  (E. Broad St. & Stefko Blvd.)

                            Bethlehem, PA Location

Event Leaders -  Louie Draxler and Walter Cramer

PLEASE NOTE: UPDATE!!! THERE IS ONE COMFORT STOP 20 MILES INTO THE 70 TRIP.  After our ice cream, you can either wave goodbye, or head back into the Valley with Corrina and I. If so, we will be heading back on a 29 mile drive that ends at LCCC in Schnecksville, on Rte 309.  4 miles south on 309 is the 22/78 interchange.

We did our final pre-run today. I really think this drive will be spectacular with the colors of Autumn.  I will be leading this drive again, on October 10th and 11th.

We will be leaving Wawa and going over the mountain, hooking up with Vera Cruz Road and moving on some roads less traveled.  I have tried to incorporate a lot of roads that often get overlooked because we tend to use certain roads in this area for good reason. They are good roads.  But the Brit in me looks longingly at those B Roads, this time saying, "Right! Let's have a go, then!"

Last time I was at Longacre's, during Covid, they did have the bathroom open inside for guests.  Masks must be worn to order inside or out, and to use the potty.  There is a gas station a few blocks up the road for fuel and facilities. 


This event will follow the current Pennsylvania rules for COVID-19 safety.  We will require that all participants maintain six-foot social distancing, and we will require masks to be worn when not in our cars (or stuffing our faces with ice cream).  To avoid common handling of materials, we will email the directions to participants, for home printing, and we will eliminate the usual paper sign-in sheet.  Since the sign-in confirms your agreement with LVMOC’s standard Waiver and Release, we will now consider your post to this event thread, indicating that you intend to participate, to be your “electronic” signature, indicating your agreement with said Waiver and Release (copy available on request).

This drive will be NO LONGER BE limited to 11 cars, including the leader, with priority given to paid LVMOC membersWE HAVE TWO LEADERS, AND THEREFORE, TWO GROUPS. We will have up to 22 cars for this event.

We will use FRS radios for communications.  Be sure to arrive by 9:0 a.m. with a full gas tank and an empty bladder. Or, with enough time to fill your tank, and empty your bladder.


1.Louie and Justin

2. Edwin Gray

3. Janice & David

4. Wayne

5. Michele in spirit only...

6. Ken and Evan

7. Tony B.

8. Walter

9. Corrina and Tara

10. Jerry and Wanda

11. Glen

12. Evan

13. Steve and Sheryl

14. Arnold

15. Bruce



2014 Club 2.5L "Punisher Edition", 2017 RF GT

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And another 

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One more 

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Louie and Corinna, nice drive today. It is always a joy driving with this group of Miata enthusiasts. Add to that grand weather, good friends and exceptional, delightful roads. Good Job.

Kudos to the Miata drivers that ran with me. One of the tightest pack of Miata drivers I have ever led. As always, Janice and Dave, great job tailing. Again, you kept the group together and gathered when need be.



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Walter,  as VP, I would like to thank you for being a leader today. I am actively trying to promote more participation at each event, and having small, nimble groups transforms the experience!

We had a great turnout at Wawa. I love seeing, greeting, and socializing with what is truly a great group of people! 

I couldn't have planned and run the route today without the Garmin GPS that you suggested. $50 for this unit was $50 very well spent. I was hoping for a membership meeting to promote these units and encourage more members to piece together rides with no fear of getting lost. Alas, it looks like there is nowhere to accommodate us during Covid,  as all the outside venues are booked.


Louie Draxler VP

2014 Club 2.5L "Punisher Edition", 2017 RF GT

Ken Hill
LVMOC Governor Moderator
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The roads you mapped out for us were great.  I enjoyed the drive very much, until we came upon the road crew oil and chipping the road.  The sound of the gravel bouncing off my car turned my stomach so I took the first opportunity to turn off the road.  I hate to abandon a drive, but I just could not subject my car to that any longer.  Of course, I place no blame for this on you.

I am very interested in the GPS you speak about above.  One of the main reasons I do not host events is because I can't read and drive and my copilot does not speak.  When I host a drive, I have the entire route in my head.  Most days I can't remember what I had for breakfast.  If the GPS is only $50 Sign me up and I'll map out some more drives.

I also agree, smaller groups can be more fun.  See y'all next Saturday.

Ken Hill
2002 HZ Yellow
with a few Modifications

Flying Dutchman
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Super choice of roads, Louie 👍! Thanks to you and to Walter for an enjoyable day in the sun.  And, Longacre's has the most complete ice cream selection of any place we've visited this season!

One complaint:  There were no cows visible on this route.  We had barns and dogs (with us, of course), but NO COWS.  What's a drive thru nice, rural countryside without any cows 😣?!

Silver 2011 NC PRHT Grand Touring (actually Janice's car)

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Ken, back in 2017 when I hosted the Gathering of the Green, I researched the GPS topic with Garmin. I had already downloaded their new mapping software, Base Camp but could not get it to dovetail with my older Garmin unit. They told me I needed to upgrade to the "Drive series". I did and it worked like a champ. All of the drives I have led for the Club last season and this season have all been via my GPS unit.

I introduced the concept to Louie a month ago and as last week's drive shows, Louie has shown how the process continues to be a useful tool. I picked up my refurbished unit from Garmin Support and Louie picked his unit up from eBay. The units are the Drive 50 model.

I am working on a MAC and Louie is working on a PC. The learning curve is not as difficult as one might think.


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Ken. We need to talk. I kid you not, my unit was $50 on Ebay with free shipping and lifetime maps. I did that whole route based on that first road. 

Plus... I am able to email the file to Walter, so he is able to be a leader as well. He emailed me his file for Saturday, so I can be a leader. Once I boost turnout to 30 cars, you can lead too. 

I want you to lead drives. Especially with PACE involved. I want us doing lots of stuff together. We need to support our Clubs and excite each other's groups.

Yes... I am running for President 

2014 Club 2.5L "Punisher Edition", 2017 RF GT

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This $50 GPS unit is very intriguing.  I have a Garmin that I spent well over $100 and I think the one Walter and Louie are using is more user friendly.  That or I am GPS dumb...I have only ever used it for plugging a destination in and then following the route.

2016 ST Ceramic Metallic GT aka Ghost

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Maybe it does more! Talk to Walter when you see him. 

2014 Club 2.5L "Punisher Edition", 2017 RF GT

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Again, the folks to talk to are Garmin Support at 800-800-1020. They will tell you the Garmin units that are compatible with their mapping software, Base Camp.

Back in 2017 Garmin Support suggested I pick up the Drive series unit. It has worked like a champ ever since. As a cost basis, Louie did better than I did, he picked up on a Drive 50 unit on eBay for $50, with life time maps. It is the exact unit as mine. We are having a blast with them.

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@livetodrive Do you have an address or specific details for the meet up at the Wawa? I don’t want to be Sitting at the wrong one😳

Flying Dutchman
LVMOC Membership/Website Admin
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Posts: 680


Risa, you're posting to the thread of an event that took place on September 12.  You need to look at the first post for tomorrow's Fall Foliage Drive... click HERE.  You will find the details on the place and time to meet.

Silver 2011 NC PRHT Grand Touring (actually Janice's car)

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