
Catawissa Creek Ram...
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Catawissa Creek Rambler - August 29

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Disappointed you didn't make the list for the 1st Pagoda drive?  Be disappointed no longer because I've got one better: the Inaugural Catawissa Creek Rambler!  

When -                   Sun Aug 29th, 2021

                                  Arrive:                     9:00 a.m.

                                  Drivers' Meeting:   9:30 a.m.

                                  Depart:                    9:45 a.m. 

Where -                  Meet at Sheetz, Sugarloaf Township

                                  551 PA-93, Sugarloaf, PA 18249   LOCATION


Event Leader:  Brian Wowak

Join me for 124 miles of exquisite central Pennsylvania mountain and valley roads!  The first segment departs from Sheetz and rolls through gentle farm land before circling around and climbing over Nescopeck Mountain,  leading into a breezy run down the Scotch Valley before looping around the foot of the mountain at the other end to our rest stop at Loves Travel Stop in Mifflinville. 

From there we'll travel east along the Susquehanna river to Nescopeck where we'll turn south and head back into the hills before looping back to West where we'll cross a covered bridge over Catawissa Creek before settling back into the rolling farmlands along the Susquehanna river as we approach Danville.  Time-permitting we may stop at a predetermined location for a group photo of our Miatas and drivers.  Near Danville we'll stop for Brunch at the Cherokee Taphouse and Grille. 

After brunch we'll head back into the rolling hills and valley roads east of Numedia,  where we'll pass the Roaring Creek Friends Meeting House,  a Quaker house of worship build of log construction in 1795-96. From there we'll continue southeast over the Little Mountain where we'll skirt the edges of Ringtown before heading north on Rt 339/Catawissa Creek Rd.  We'll explore a few more country roads before ending back in Sugarloaf Township at Valley Scoops and More,  which serves Leibys Ice Cream. 

Total drive time is approximately 4 hours plus roughly 1 hour stop for brunch,  so roughly 5 hours from start to ice cream. 

This event will follow the current Pennsylvania rules for COVID-19 safety. To avoid common handling of materials, we will email the directions to participants, for home printing, and we will eliminate the usual paper sign-in sheet. Since the sign-in confirms your agreement with LVMOC’s standard Waiver and Release, we will now consider your post to this event thread, indicating that you intend to participate, to be your “electronic” signature, indicating your agreement with said Waiver and Release (copy available on request).

We will use FRS radios for communications. Be sure to arrive by 9:00 a.m. with a full gas tank and an empty bladder.

Turn by turn instructions and a GPX file will be made available to anyone who attends

Presidential Note: This is drive #32!!!!!



  1. Brian
  2. Mike C. and Alison
  3. Ralph & Becky
  4. David & Janice
  5. Lyn & Mark
  6. Gail & Bill
  7. Walter
  8. Neil D and Kelly
  9. Michele
  10. JerryB & Wanda
  11. Jon Palsi
  12. Ken & Evan
  13. Jon Petty
  14. Mike, "Whybu1" (non-member)

- Brian Wowak
1991 BRG SE #3716 of 4000 "Brigit"

Member Moderator
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 575

WOW!  What a great day, Brian. For your first Drive ever, you did a remarkable job from the Leader's Meeting, to passing out directions on the FRS, to providing us trivia of the region while traveling. What an absolutely wonderful compilation of exciting and fun to drive roads. There had to be close to a half dozen roads 4 to 6 miles in length, with no stop signs. However, what they did provide were a continuum of grand flowing curves with elevation change. 

Try as you may, you could not lose the twelve Miatas behind you. We had a good group of drivers and stayed with your pace (thanks for holding back for us). It truly was a fun day of travel. And the scenery was a joy. It is so nice to visit an area of Pennsylvania that we do not usually drive.

And as always, it was nice to welcome new members in Lyn and Mark Klinger. The Klinger's are from the Berwick area and arrived in their 2019 30th Anniversary Edition RF. For her first run with a Club, Lyn stayed with the pack nicely. Hopefully we will see them on our Lehigh Valley Drives.

I have heard it from a good source, that Brian plans to offer this Drive again as a Fall Foliage event. I believe he mentioned the date of October 23rd. If your schedule allows, this is one not to miss.

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You're just buttering me up because you know you did as much work in planning this run as I did,  if not more.  I'm glad everybody likes my favorite driving roads,  and I'm looking forward to doing it again in October!  

- Brian Wowak
1991 BRG SE #3716 of 4000 "Brigit"

Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 139

What a great drive!!! Thanks for setting it up

Mike & Angela
2021 Soul Red RF (with custom black top)

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Posts: 575

I would be remiss not to mention our lunch venue that Brian chose - the Cherokee Tap Room. The chef was so excited in having our group for lunch, he prepared a skillet of freshly baked garlic rolls and several pans of corn bread for us to enjoy. The garlic rolls were the favorite - they went fast.

A few photos from our time together.


Wowak and Wowak reacted
LVMOC Vice-President
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 114

This was a fabulous drive, lots of great roads that I hadn't done before.  Brian you did a great job!

Wowak and Wowak reacted
Flying Dutchman
LVMOC Membership/Website Admin
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 680

Great drive, Brian 👍... thanks!  Nice roads, and the absence of frequent stops at intersections, made for long, uninterrupted runs... a fine benefit of driving the roads of that region.  And a good pace for the "old" folks in the group.  Also, your choice of the Cherokee Tap Room and Grille for lunch was a winner!  Good food and friendly staff!

And, you even tossed in a covered bridge and capped off the drive with ICE CREAM!

You've earned a place on the LVMOC drive leaders' "A" list 🤩!


Silver 2011 NC PRHT Grand Touring (actually Janice's car)

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